Saturday 7 July 2018

Many things are wrong with the fashion industry. Trends go as fast as they come, pressuring us to buy the next best thing which will be the second best next month. We are left with cluttered closets, nothing to wear and our wallets a little bit lighter, yet we still can’t help but want more
It’s fairly common knowledge that the fast-fashion industry is shady. Money appears to be the name of the game when taking a critical look into the corrupt side of the industry. Low wagesunsafe working conditionslack of regard for the environment and, in some cases, child labor are used to drive production costs as far down as possible. A bargain price often means someone somewhere else is picking up the rest of the tab.
How can we take a stand against unethical practices in the fashion industry and the negative effects of thoughtless shopping patterns while still expressing our unique style?
One of the easiest ways to fight unethical fast-fashion practices is to stop buying from companies and brands which are not sustainably or ethically produced. According to a study by the Fashion Revolution, Topshop, Forever 21, Zara and Victoria’s Secret, among others, are popular fast-fashion brands implementing unethical and questionable production methods.
Think twice about brands that aren’t transparent in their production methods and environmental footprint. Apps like Good On YouAvoid and Good Guide can help you track ethical brands. TenTreePeople TreePatagoniaLevis and Kings of Indigo are brands currently setting the stage for sustainable fashion.
The corporate giants that dress much of the world need to be held accountable for what is happening behind closed doors in the fashion production and manufacturing process. The fast-fashion industry, paired with a deeply ingrained consumerist mindset, is hurting people, our planet and our pockets.
In order to contribute to worldwide sustainability efforts and to improve countless individuals’ quality of life, we need to start taking an active role in educating others about the impact of unethical fashion practices. Everyone has the power to implement small changes in their lives in order to make a big impact. It’s not hard to win the ethical shopping game; you just have to decide if you are going to play.

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